Vitamin Nature

We all need heroes. Richard Louv, the author of Last Child in the Woods, is one of my heroes. Rich was the first to coin the phrase 'nature deficit disorder' which refers to our disconnect with nature and the potential harm that it can impose on human beings. In Last Child, Rich provided readers with an education on this subject and encouraged all of us to become part of the new nature movement. His follow-up book, The Nature Principle highlighted the importance of adult connections to the environment and the possibilities for urban design that incorporates nature into our cities and living spaces. His newest work, Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life is the perfect “how to” resource for anyone who has asked themselves, so what now?! After giving us the research and the education on nature deficit disorder in his earlier work his new book offers us an action packed collection of practical and fun activities for anyone willing to give them a go.
His passion for saving nature and helping children and adults avoid nature deficit disorder has never wavered. He has collaborated with such an impressive assortment of individuals and organizations and together they have led the charge to get everyone back to nature. I so admire his action oriented approach in the form of this new book. The best part is you can dive into any page and it can serve as a starting part for exploring the outdoors. It is truly an “essential guide” because so many ideas are housed in one publication and judging by the reviews I’ve read on-line, I’m not the only one who thinks so!
And so it was with page 9 of Vitamin N in mind that I ventured out late one night with a friend to star gaze at eleven o’clock in the hopes of catching a glimpse of some meteor showers. Don’t forget to take YOUR vitamin N.