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Wishful Thinking

Recently my younger brother, Griffin, started an organization of his own. I’d like to share a little about it here because since its inception, it is something that has become very close to my heart.

Over the years, as I became involved with volunteering in the community, Griffin has always been by my side. We share a love for a number of non-profits in our community, some of which I’ve covered in earlier blog entries. Organizations like the Mossom Creek Salmon Hatchery, Wildlife Rescue Association, and the Coquitlam Animal Shelter loom large among our favourites. These charities rely largely on public donations for resources, funding and volunteers. Griffin, being the compassionate and selfless person he is, saw the need for a project that would allow him to give back to these agencies that contribute so much to ensuring that the welfare of animals can continue to be furthered for years to come. He named the project "Wishful Thinking” and it was launched in the form of a website this past summer. Through the website, Griffin highlights the importance of these charities and provides a sort of “wish list” of items to match the needs of each individual non-profit. To date, he has run two incredibly successful campaigns and is well on his way to completing a third. Mossom Creek Hatchery was the beneficiary of his fall objective. We have both been volunteering there for nearly 10 years. Wildlife Rescue, the focus of his second campaign, where we have taken injured animals on numerous occasions, received nearly $1,000.00 in funds and materials. Griffin is singlehandedly responsible for drawing support from local businesses to achieve such success. His strategic placement of donation collection bins in a dozen animal hospitals in the area have so far garnered over 400 pounds of pet food for the Coquitlam Animal Shelter’s pet food drive helping marginalized and at risk pet owners care for their animals.

Griffin has not only addressed the specific needs of these charities, but he has also spread awareness about their significance in our community and their value in maintaining the health and wellness of pets and wildlife. I think his success surprised even him. It’s always nice when people’s generosity exceeds your expectations! He is so grateful for all the support he’s received and I know the recipients of these donations have been gobsmacked by his ability to fulfill his objectives. The experience has left him both encouraged and highly motivated to continue this project and he remains more optimistic than ever about the future of this entrepreneurial endeavor. To say that I’m proud of my brother would be something of an understatement.

If you’re interested in learning more about Wishful Thinking or if you would like to contribute to his cause, please visit Griffin’s website:

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